Sunday, October 7, 2007

Archbishop Raymond Burke would deny Giuliani communion

In an Associated Press article recently, it was reported that Roman Catholic Archbishop Raymond Burke declared that he would deny Rudy Giuliani communion because of his views on abortion.

The Archbishop decided that anyone whose views go against those of the church should be denied communion. This is the same man that said during the 2004 elections that he would deny Kerry communion. While, personally, I do not believe that this has anything to do with the election, seeing as I highly doubt any of the candidates are about to go and approach Archbishop Raymond Burke for communion anytime soon, but it could hurt Giuliani by taking away the religious vote from him.

Personally, this just makes me sad though; that this is news. First of all, politics and religion should not mix. Who cares if Giuliani's abortion views do not coincide with that of the church? Church and state should be separate matters, but it feels more and more these days like they really aren't, which is upsetting.

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