Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fred Thompson

Currently, it seems that Fred Thompson is getting the most attention of all of the Republican candidates and is currently getting the most poll votes. In my personal opinion, however, he just seems to be the antithesis of everything I could ever want in a president. Okay, so, fine, personally, I am swayed towards one party, and let's just say right now that it isn't the Republican party. However, that aside, just the thought that this man currently has the most support by the American people just somewhat frightens me.

Not only is Thompson in support of things that I just blatantly disagree with, but he is also just a seemingly awful candidate. Accounts of his appearances always seem to involve, in one way or another, Thompson skirting around an issue, babbling through an answer or just showing plain ignorance. For example, when he was asked what made him stand apart from the other Republican candidates, he simply stated that he hadn't really looked at their platforms that in depth. If you are a presidential candidate, isn't that your job?

Despite all of this, he is still getting immense support from the American people. I just don't understand.

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