Monday, October 15, 2007

Gore '08?

So, Al Gore won a Nobel Peace Prize for his global warming work the other day. In addition to this, Gore has received an Oscar and an Emmy. And now he's being encouraged to run for president also?

There are many supporting the idea of Gore joining the presidential campaign even if it is a little late in the game. So far, Gore has said that it is highly unlikely because he feels that Hillary Clinton is unbeatable. However, that hasn't stopped people pushing the idea. After obtaining the kind of recognition that he has since losing to Bush, I don't see ow returning to politics would help him.

However, one thing that his Nobel Prize has done, is that it has taken the issue of the environment and raised it from a footnote back into a major concern of the Democrats.


Hannah Perkins said...

Yea.. he might not have a great chance against Clinton, but you never really know. Hes gained a lot of interest and fans with his raising of the environmental issues, so maybe the interest in him and that issue will push over and help him in an election. Who knows, but i dont think he would run against clinton.. tho it would be fun to see his campaign and that race! :)

Briana_Kerensky said...

I don't really think that the environment has been a footnote for the 08 elections...remember the melting snowman question at the Youtube/CNN debates?

During an online debate, comedian and television host Bill Maher asked a major presidential hopeful (I honestly can't remember which one), how he would rate the following three things in order of danger to America:
1. Terrorism
2. High Fructose Corn Syrup
3. Air Pollution.

Here's how the candidate rated them:
1. Air Pollution
2. Corn Syrup
3. Terrorism

Personally, I just think that the media is not paying attention to what the candidates have to say about the issue. They're too busy talking about Clinton's cleavage and Obama's lack of political bling.

Sandals said...

Don't get me wrong: I think global warming is really important, and I give Gore props from the bottom of my heart for dragging the issue out of the political shadows -- I just don't think it's a solid campaign platform. He got run over by Bush in the 2000 Election, and presumably hasn't changed much about his core politics since then; now he cares about polar bears having enough ice -- a worthy cause, certainly -- and suddenly everybody wants him back. Did they realize they made a mistake not voting for him the first time, or do they just really, really like glaciers? I'm not sure I'd vote for him just because he's an environmentalist.

Also, I cannot for the life of me get the way he was portrayed in the Manbearpig episode of South Park out of my head. Damn Trey Parker and Matt Stone to hell for making light of global warming, but it was pretty funny. I might never be able to take Gore completely seriously again.

Bryan M said...

With Obama taking up the issue of saving the environment, and Hillary getting all the votes for the Clinton/Gore lovers of the 90s, I don't think there's much room left for Al Gore to set up a presidential platform on. I mean just like any Democrat he has a chance to win, but as long as the war is around, Americans will probably not have global warming as their #1 concern. And if that's not the issue, then neither is Gore.